Of course, we hope it becomes it becomes Bear's next big flavor! You can email us or send us a DM.
Bear ships to anywhere in the 48 contiguous United States. Hawaii, Alaska, and international coming as soon as possible.
We offer standard 7-day shipping or expedited 3-day shipping. Once your order is shipped from our warehouse, you will be sent a tracking number (via text or email, depending on how you placed your order).
Once your order leaves our warehouse, please know that we have the same information as you. If your tracking information doesn't update within 48 hours of your shipping notification, please contact the shipping carrier.
When you placed your order, you were sent an order confirmation number.
If you used your email address to place your order, this number was sent to your email address. If you don't see it, make sure you check your marketing or spam folders!
If you used your phone number to place your order, this number was sent via text message to your phone number.
Not yet. We're working as quickly as possible expand! We're taking Bear worldwide 📈
Getting into stores near you, new flavors, new products, and so much more. We can't wait to show you! 🐼
Hey, it's me Stephen. It'd be my honor to talk with you! You can email me by tapping the email button my IG, or just DM me on Twitter (that's my favorite place to talk with all of you).